No Worriezzz Deep Sleep Audio PLUS Fearless Beginnings, Morning Meditation Practice

Bookend your day with Fearless Beginnings - a morning meditation to help you to connect to your heart, laced with energy medicine, this audio will help clear and heal the energetic anatomy around the heart so that you can more easily access self-love and confidence and more easily give and receive love and appreciation over your day.

Warning: Using this meditation regularly will change your relationships, increasing closeness, trust and joy.

No Worriezzz Deep Sleep Audio is designed to relieve sleep anxiety, the nightly battle to fall asleep, the exhaustion, frustration and irritability that can just paint your world grey when insomnia takes hold. 

The energy medicine that has been engineered into this track is designed to relax mind and body, this is ancient technology to soothe the soul and to teach the body and mind to surrender into the safety of sleep. 

5 Free Bonuses!


1. Natural Sleep Masterclass: Prepare yourself for sleep using the techniques I share with you on the Natural Sleep Masterclass,

2. Dr. Sam's Super Sleeper Kit: Tried and tested additions for your personal sleep sanctuary.

3. Sleep Journal: Keep a record of your sleep and chart your progress and improvement.

4. Sleep Hygeine: Check out these infographics, for falling asleep and for avoiding broken sleep.

Get your comfy headphones ready and press play...

Let your body unwind, let your mind relax from the day's worries so you can fall into a rejuventating, brain nourishing, healing sleep.

7 Modules

The No Worriezzz Deep Sleep Audio

Your delicately crafted Super Sleep inducing soundtrack.

BONUS 1: Natural Sleep Masterclass with Dr. Sam

Fearless Beginnings Morning Meditation

Your morning practice.

Start your day with loving kindness, feeling connected to your self love and compassion.  Meet your day with this energy and observe how life meets you in a different way.

Modules for this course 7
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